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SAT 토플 영어로 의대가기 미국유학영어

SAT 코칭 자료: 1대 1코칭

영재교육 전문가 - 폴리박사의 두뇌과학에 근거한 자기주도형 SAT 준비법 공개-

폴리박사SAT 2013. 5. 2. 19:50

단기간에 SAT 스킬을 전수해 드립니다!!!

     단 한 시간만 코칭을 받아도 점수가 올라갑니다!!!

1. He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too ___________ for someone of his talent and creativity.

(A) diverse (B) insatiable (C) exacting (D) enthralling (E) prosaic

Tip: Look for any synonym for the cue? 답: (E)


2. The museum arranged the fossils in ________ order, placing the order fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor.

(A) alphabetical

(B) chronological

(C) random

(D) arbitrary

(E) retrospective

Tip: comma(,) following____ : showing the concrete meaning?? 답: (B)


3. Despite her compassionate nature, the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and ___________ in her strict _______ the letter of the law.

(A) merciful -- interpretation of

(B) uncompromising -- adherence to

(C) dilatory - affirmation of

(D) vindictive - deviation from

(E) lenient - dismissal of

Tip: "Despite" indicates the opposite meaning??

답: (B)


4. Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he was ________ acting in an unconsidered fashion.

(A) chary of

(B) impervious to

(C) precipitate in

(D) hesitant about

(E) conventional in

Tip: "Although" indicates opposite meaning??   답: (C)

@@정확한 학습평가와 진단에 의한 목표달성을 위한 학습 로드맵을 짜드립니다!!!@@

연락: paulrhee21@hanmail.net
