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SAT 토플 영어로 의대가기 미국유학영어

미국대학입학준비 코칭 - SAT

자녀분에게 가장 적합하고 취업도 잘되는최고의 대학들을 선별하여 추천해드립니다

폴리박사SAT 2021. 12. 5. 14:12




 "Microsoft사(미국) 취업을 



자녀분에게 가장 적합하고 

취업도 잘되는

최고의 대학들을 

선별하여 추천해드립니다~!!!~~



폴리박사 - 한인 2세들을 

위한 글로벌 리더 교육멘토!



미국대학교서 컴퓨터 전공하고 

미국 5대 대기업 등에서 자녀분이 일하고 

싶으신가요?(유학에서 취업까지 돌보는)



안내해 드리겠습니다!



지금 연락 주실래요? 



컴퓨터 전공자들이 

일하고 싶은 혁신적인 

5대 기업은?



미국 대학 진학 준비 코스:

컴퓨터 싸이언스 전공 트랙


주로 합격하는 미국 명문대학들:


1. MIT

2. UC-Berkeley


4. Georgia Tech

5. 카네기 멜론 대학교

6. 노스웨스턴대학교



9. Cornell University

10. Princeton University

11. USC


@폴리박사제자: Microsoft사(미국) 취업~!!!~~

(California, Orange County 출신/조기유학생/

폴리박사 지도하에 유학.고등학교 & 대학입시 

지도.대학기간 영어 지도/영어에세이 및 논문 

지도/취업 영어면접 & CV작성 지도 등)


근무지: 샌 프란시스코 오피스:




미국 최상위 10 명문 엔지니어링대학교 학부,


대학원(석,박사 통합과정) 입시 준비 및 


진학 컨설팅 문의:












상담.학습 지도 분야?



1. 조기유학을 위한 보딩스쿨입학 준비:



  토플 및 SSAT, 영어수업 적응훈련/ESL




2. 중.고등학교 학생들: 미국대학 입학 준비


<외국인학교.국제학교 재학생>


 IB, AP, SAT, ACT 시험 대비. 



 스펙 관리<영어작문, 영어에세이, 영어논문,








3. 대학원 석.박사 통합과정:



 토플, GRE(미국대학원입시시험), 영어논문,


 Study Plan, 영어입학원서/영문에세이,


 영어 스카이프 면접준비...





기타> 장학금신청, 입학허가수속, 미국취업코칭,



학습관리, 영어면접대비 등. 



자녀분에게 가장 적합하고 취업도 잘되는

최고의 대학들을 

선별하여 추천해드립니다~!!!~~








리비안, Rivian 전기자동차 

회사 엔지니어로 취업- 

폴리박사 제자출신~!!!~~"







5 Innovative Companies Looking for Computer Science Graduates 


The average starting salary for computer science graduates is $60,000 per year, and new hires can expect to earn more than $100,000 by the time they reach the midpoint of their careers. Computer science majors are in high demand, and top performers in their classes are often aggressively recruited like the best college ball players.

Few fields offer better prospects for recent graduates than computer science. Employers who hire graduates in computer science include some of the world’s largest companies and smaller, agile startups that give graduates a chance to innovate and make a name for themselves. The following major employers represent just the smallest fraction of organizations that hire computer science majors.

1. Microsoft

Microsoft not only hires recent computer science graduates but also has started a pilot program to hire autistic individuals who often demonstrate astonishing computer, math and gaming skills. Recent graduates can get on-board with the company that changed the world with its innovative Windows operating system for computers, and new hires could be responsible for creating the first artificial intelligence, practical computer for generating three-dimensional images or the world’s first quantum computers. You can find out more about Microsoft careers by clicking on the link.

2. Computer Sciences Corporation

Computer Sciences Corporation or CSC isn’t a well-known technology company among the public, but it provides more computer science jobs than any employer in the world. The company outsources services to government agencies and top companies and industries. You could work for commercial or government clients throughout the world or work at company headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia, which is just outside Washington, D.C. Find out more about CSC job opportunities in either of two sectors: global commercial and public sector positions and public sector jobs in the United States.

3. General Dynamics

General Dynamics hires many recent computer science graduates despite not being well-known as a technology company. General Dynamics is known as a large U.S. Defense Department contractor, and as such, the company has a vested interest in hiring the best and brightest minds for computer forensics investigations, security monitoring, software development and other computer applications relating to defense, industrial development and national security. Working with General Dynamics promises computer graduates jobs where they’ll stay busy working with military applications and the latest tech used in warfare and defense.

4. Adobe

Adobe offers computer science grads an opportunity to work with computers and other artistic subjects like photography, which is rare in the computer industry where business services seem to claim all the top-paying jobs. The company offers fitness memberships, sabbaticals and jobs in other countries, which makes it the ideal company for creative computer experts who care about more than just hardware, software and code. Find out more about Adobe career opportunities where you can focus on the creative aspects of integrating computers with photography, marketing, video production and other creative pursuits.

5. Amazon

Despite recessions, high-profile competitors and mergers designed to intensify eCommerce competition among the major players, Amazon remains the world’s largest eCommerce company and fourth most successful startup company in history. Much of the company’s success comes from its computer services and internal search engines. You can get detailed information on how to get a job at Amazon.com by clicking on the link.

If you noticed that many of the top employers of computer science graduates seem to supply contracting services, you get extra credit for observational skills. Entry-level positions in computer sciences are rare in the big software-designing companies of Silicon Valley, so contrary to expectations, these are not the biggest employers hiring recent graduates. However, companies that supply contracting services and the federal government like hiring recent graduates who haven’t yet developed bad habits and industry entanglements. If you prove your mettle, you can easily move into software jobs in Silicon Valley or anywhere else in the world.