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University of California; Berkeley, UCLA등 원서마감 11월 31
Top 10 명문대학교<예일, 스탠포드, 노스웨스턴, 하바드, 시카고대학교, 프린스톤...>: 원서마감 1월 2일
Top 50명문 사립대학교들: 원서마감일 1월 15일
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(폴리박사 제자들이 기장 많이 합격한 미국 명문대들: 스탠포드, 예일, 하바드, 노스웨스턴, 콜롬비아, UCLA, UC-버클리, MIT, 유펜, 코넬, 다트마우스, 브라운, UC-San Diego, UChicago, 카네기 멜론, 조지이텍, 등)
스탠포드대학교 - 컴퓨터과학 및
인지공학 AI 트랙 제공
Have we hit a major "artificial intelligence" milestone?
Google’s computer program AlphaGo has defeated a top-ranked Go player in the first round of five historic matches – marking a significant achievement in the development of artificial intelligence.
AlphaGo’s victory over a human champion shows an artificial intelligence system has mastered the most complex game ever designed. The ancient Chinese board game is vastly more complicated than chess and is said to have more possible configurations than there are atoms in the Universe.
The battle between AlphaGo, developed by Google’s Deepmind unit, and South Korea’s Lee Se-dol was said by commentators to be close, with both sides making some mistakes.
Game playing is an important way to measure AI advances, demonstrating that machines can outperform humans at intellectual tasks.
AlphaGo’s win follows in the footsteps of the legendary 1997 victory of IBM supercomputer Deep Blue over world chess champion Garry Kasparov. But Go, which relies heavily data-on players’ intuition to choose among vast numbers of board positions, is far more challenging for artificial intelligence than chess.
Speaking in the lead-up to the first match, Se-dol, who is currently ranked second in the world behind fellow South Korean Lee Chang-ho, said: “Having learned today how its algorithms narrow down possible choices, I have a feeling that AlphaGo can imitate human intuition to a certain degree.”
Demis Hassabis, founder and CEO of DeepMind, which was acquired by Google in 2014, previously described “Go as the pinnacle of game AI research” and the “holy grail” of AI since Deep Blue beat Kasparov.