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SAT 토플 영어로 의대가기 미국유학영어

여름방학 단기 SAT 캠프안내

미국대학 원서 작성 엣세이쓰기 및 SAT 캠프 안내 - 서울 목동 압구정 강남 대치동 반포 지역 -

폴리박사SAT 2013. 5. 4. 14:31

    미국대학 원서 작성 엣세이쓰기 세미나 및 

SAT 캠프 안내 - 서울 목동, 압구정동, 대치동, 강남, 반포 지역  

     폴리박사 (Ph.D. Northwestern University)

       The Ten Steps to Writing An Application 

         (성공적인 미국대학 원서작성과정)

1. Set up a file system

2. Collect your college application data and forms

3. Decide the order in which to work on your application

4. Design what to do for the appropriate parts of your application process

5. Arrange for your SAT or ACT test scores to be sent to your colleges

6. Set up a follow-up system and consult with your school counselor or consultant

7. Write a rough draft, and revise it until it's the best you can make it

(This is obviously the hardest step!!!) 

8. Transfer your answers onto the original application forms/online application systems

9. Make copies of all your completed forms

10. Double-check all completed forms and mail them to each college.

미국대학 입학원서 작성과정, 합격을 위한 엣세이 작성을 위해 폴리박사에게 문의하세요!!!